Monday 15 February 2016

a "cosplay" funassyi goes snow boarding

This is a video of a funassyi fan that does some cosplaying whilst snowboarding.

Although it is quite obviously not Funassyi it is impressive to see the skill of the snowboarder whilst in the costume.

I think it is very impressive - I can't do anything like this, and this person is doing it in a costume that would have limited vision.

Saturday 13 February 2016

Pirate Funassyi...

... and a cute Funacolle in a pirate costume.

Now some of you might know that I REALLY want one of those "90 cm Funassyi stuffed version 3" as they are called.

90 cm Funassyi - image from direct link via the Funassyi Webstore (see link below).

But they are very expensive, and by the time I could afford one I am fairly confident they won't be available to buy.

For those wanting to see how awesome they are can click this link

So imagine my complete surprise at finding one on the internet selling for about 1/3 of the normal price and with postage that was so cheap it was almost free.

After the initial joy wore off I started being logical about the 90 cm Funassyi and started to smell a rat, and a dead one at that.

I showed my wife, and she agreed with me.

We decided that it must be a pirated version of the 90cm Funassyi being made, obviously, illegally.

The images on the web site may or may not have been of the actual Funassyi being sold. It is hard to tell, and they may have even used a real legal one to be the model for the photos.

I thought I would do the right thing, and I contacted Gray Parka Service (GPS) and explained the situation. Thanks to my wife I was able to do so in Japanese, making the process a lot easier for GPS.

About 18 hours later GPS relied to me, with part of the email saying "Thank you very much for the precious information".

It seemed I was right - this was a 90cm Funassyi being made illegally, and GPS were in the process of launching an investigation in to the fraud and to see what could be done.

I was a bit sad that I wouldn't be able to buy this cheap 90cm Funassyi, as I refuse to knowingly purchase something like this.  Not only is it fraud, but it is depriving the legal owners income, as well as preventing donations to charity, as Funassyi gives a percentage of sold items to a very worthwhile charity.

Now, I wont be providing information as to where I found this pirated Funassyi - I am not here to promote anything illegal.

What I would like to do is tell Pear Friends to be wary of fake items being sold, and if you have a sense of what is right and wrong, then please do the right thing.

Anyone can contact Gray Parka Service directly via their 'contact us' section of their web site and provide the details of illegal items: link

Unfortunately for some the field headings for this form is in Japanese, and I don't know if the staff at GPS can read English (or other languages) but I dare say someone might be able to help you with translation if you were to ask around (I might be able to help out there... well, at least my wife might).

A page on the GPS site covers fake Funassyi items... it is rather difficult to find if you don't read Japanese, so my thanks goes out to Makiko Itoh of "We Love Funassyi" and "" fame for providing me with this page showing what to look out for in a fake Funassyi: link

So please be careful when you buy your Funassyi items, and consider being a good Pear Friend and do the right thing if you think you have found someone selling fakes.

I will get off my soap box now and go back to wishing I had a 90cm Funassyi.

Saturday 6 February 2016

PC cushion that is a wrist rest whilst using your PC

Rakuten is selling a huggable wrist rest for working at your PC:

You can buy it online - unless you are in Japan you will need someone to buy it for you, or use a delivery service like Tenso: link

Thursday 4 February 2016

Cooking with Nassyi - Naan Bread Pizza

Japanese, followed by English versions of this recipe:

1: オーブンを190℃に予熱したら、服が汚れないようにエプロンをしましょう。


2: 天板にオーブンペーパーを敷きます... こうする事で天板を洗う手間が省けます。

3: 一人あたり1枚の(カレー用の)ナンを使います。


4: それぞれのナンにピザソースを塗ります。私はスパゲッティ・ソースを使いましたが、お好みのソースを使ってください。


5: 薄切りにした野菜・調味料・お肉・チーズ等のトッピングを準備します。
  <重要> 野菜は薄切りにしないと中までちゃんと火が通りません。


6: ナンの上に野菜を乗せ、調味料で味付けします。


7: 野菜の上にお肉を乗せます。私はハムを先に乗せ、その後にサラミを乗せましたが、もちろん順番はお好みです。


8: 最後にチーズをたっぷり乗せて、オーブンで10~15分ほど焼きます。チーズが完全にとろけていなければ、もう少し長く焼きます。


9: ピザが焼けたらお皿に乗せて出来上がりです。美味しそう!(でも、すごく熱いので注意してくださいなっしー!)


10: もしこのレシピを気に入ってくださり、「なっしー」とのクッキングを見たい方はその旨お知らせください。宜しくお願いします!(それから、ふなごろーはエプロンを着用しなかった為、トマトソースが4か所に付いちゃいました!)

English Text:

1: Preheat the oven to 190 Celsius and put an apron on so you don't get messy.

2: Place baking paper on a baking tray... this saves on washing the tray later

3: Use 1 naan bread per person

4: spread sauce over each naan.  I used spaghetti sauce, but you can use your favourite sauce if you like.

5: prepare your toppings: thinly sliced vegetables, seasoning, meat and cheese.  I used zucchini, red pepper, mushroom, tomato, onion, ham, salami for my toppings, garlic powder, pepper and basil for seasoning, and grated cheese.  Please use the toppings you like the most.  Important: thinly slice any vegetables, as they wont cook properly if too thick.

6: place the vegetables over each naan and season.

7: spread your meat over the vegetables. I placed the ham first and then the salami, but you can do it your way if you like.

8: cover both naan with cheese, then cook in the oven for 10 - 15 minutes + extra time if needed to fully melt the cheese.

9: once cooked, put the naan pizza on to plates and serve.  Oishiso! (but it will be hot, so please be careful nassyi!)

10: If you liked this recipe and would like to see more cooking with nassyi, please let me know. Yorosuku onegaishimasu!   (also, Funagoro didn't wear an apron, and had sauce splatter him in four places!)